Food Tube Marathon

At the beginning of this month, Adam The Amateur Gourmet launched a challenge: why don’t you spend an hour on You Tube and try to find 10 wonderful food related video?Well, he found awesome stuff! And while watching everything I thought, why don’t I give it a try?So, here they are: on a grey end

Panna cotta

Panna cotta is an Italian classic, so simple, straight and quick that it’s worth it making it!It’s even one of my favourite dessert and as it is so difficult to find it well made in restaurants, I always prefer making it myself, at home.It’s normally accompanied with red berries or chocolate, but this time I’ve

Noodles, again and again and again…

What can I say? I love noodles… I wont add more, as I already expressed myself on this particular subject…How can I more stress you about the wonderful property of a bowl full of steaming noodles? If you are reading this blog you are probably from some foreign (and civilized, food wise at laest) country

Come as you are muffins…

That is what could happen in a normal household on a (sunny) Sunday morning, when you say to your (normally clever and wit) husband: “Dear, I’m going to take a shower. Can you watch the muffins in the oven in the mean while? I put the timer, when it rings take them out”.I came out

Banana Pancakes

Hip hip hurrah for Nigella Lawson!Pardon me my madness, but today in Italy is definitively spring (even 1 moth before is normally due), and there is a glorious sun in Milan: one of those rare day when the sky is blue and pollution seems to be blown away by some magical force…So we wake up

Stewed apples and pears

Sometimes I feel like an old maid (and I’m happily married!) or an old grandma: I like cooked apples…I had a period in my file when I was cooking whole apples in the oven, and eat them warm, even two a day…I know, it’s a bit decadent, but they are so good, so comfort, so

Oh, yes, that’s fat!

(And it’s a pity you can’t see it bubbling…) That’s the fat from merguezes! Better: those merguezes are home made by my Halal butcher just down the street! I love to buy my lamb at the Halal butcher because it has more taste that the lamb that is normally sell in Italy: too young for

Carrot cakes

Carrots in the fridge (and not much else)…Sun and a wonderful blue sky outside (glorious today in Milan, looks like spring!)…What possibly can I do if not baking little carrot cakes from a Donna Hay book (always the same one…)???I halved the recipe, as we couldn’t possibly eat for 5 day a big cake, and

Those ugly little scones…

Or how to make scones for an afternoon tea with no all purpose flour in the house and the last time you shopped on line instead of normal cow milk you bought goat milk… This afternoon some friends are coming over, so we decided we could indulge in a little English tea party, at 5

Waiter, there’s something in my… (cheese) pie!!!

What can you possibly do when you have some fresh cheese near the expiration date and you have this intense urge to eat a cheese focaccia???3 options:1. Throw the cheese in the bin, take a train and head to Recco, eat hot cheese focaccia, go back on the train and head home with belly happily