The Recipe Writer’s Handbook

Here I am, neglecting my blog since ages and then, what do I publish? A book review! Not even a recipe and not even a picture! Bad Sara, bad!
But my book review is more useful then anything you can think of… My book review is about a book, as you can easily understand for the title, that will change your life…
Ehm, let’s say it will change your way to write recipes, then your life, I dunno, it’s your choice!!!
I bought it when I already decided that writing recipes was too boring for me… Don’t ask me what made me push the “buy it” button on amazon. Let’s simply thank I did!
The book as a simple structure: philosophy, style, testing, terminology, preferred spelling, metrics… Ok, nothing life changing there.
The life chancing experience lays in the reading of all this.
You have to know that in Italy the concept of an handbook is not very clear: we are not a self-help society, that’s it. If we have to write an handbook, well, we use so many word to go to the point that most people get lost in between. Or at least I do.
In the The Recipe Writer’s Handbook you cannot get lost: you simply follow the trail they lay in front of you and you are on and rocking, baby!
Soon you’ll see all the wonderful flower that will blossom form my reading, and to be sure to follow them, do not forget to check out my other blog (update will soon come!).
And if you feel lonely and you miss me too much, check out my tumblr too.
and if you feel very social, well, look for me on social networks: there are many where I’m fairly active!


  1. Betty C.

    I have this book and agree it is very useful, even though I haven’t got into writing recipes at this point. Someday when I have more time…

  2. angie

    Adoro questo tipo di manuali, perchè com’è nello stile americano riescono a convincerti che…’Everybody can make it’ 🙂
    Io dovendo scegliere su amazon tra questo ed un altro…ho scelto ‘l’altro’. Ora peró mi sa che devo procurarmi pure questo!

  3. Sara - Piperita

    @Angie: mi vien da chiederti qual’è l’altro che hai tu! 😛

  4. Anonymous

    So you call yourself a good cook? How about to try making Baghlava I mean the real Baghlava not the crappie one where most PPL put only suger in the middle and few nuts.

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