Likemind Milan, Italy

Lately my life is at a turning point! Everything is changing, and the long awaited turn I was expecting for my 30th birthday has finally arrived (2 years and half later, but finally!).

Anyway, this just to invite you, oh dear reader/commenter/friend, to the first likemind “made in Milan” (for the other Italian likeminds, click on the title of this post): April the 20th, 8.15 am, Princi, Via Ponte Vetero 10, Milan.

Come as you are, bring yourself, your ideas and a smile (and if you have a dog bring it too: you will make me happy!!!!)! You will be welcomed by me, Deirdré, Zeno and Eddy!
Coffee present, so, don’t worry, we will allow a few minutes to wake up after the first sip!!!

P.S. This meeting will be reminded to you so many times that you will come just because you will be so sick to hear about it that you will feel the sudden urge to check it out! 😉


  1. angie

    Che bella idea! Uffa peró…sono a Milano da lunedi a mercoledi, e sarebbe stato carino fare un salto! Vivo a Madrid e quando faccio queste capatine mi piacerebbe essere in 2000 posti contemporaneamente 🙂

  2. Elisa

    I would like to join you but I work in the other side of the city 🙁

    P.S. I’m still waiting for the crucial turning point and I’m much older than you!
    My best wishes 😉

  3. Anonymous

    Non ho capito di cosa si tratta…E’ un food meeting?
    Mi piacerebbe esserci in tal caso :)Grazie delle eventuali delucidazioni,

  4. Sara - Piperita

    @Concettì: non è strettamente un food meeting, ma un incontro tra sconosciuti (principalmente) pronti a scambiarsi le proprie opinioni su tutto quello di cui trattano i nostri rispettivi blog (praticamente qualsiasi cosa)… Clicca sui link (sia titolo che all’interno del post) e troverai tutte le spiegazioni!

  5. Anonymous

    Grazie Sara, nn me ne ero accorta come una scema.
    Ma io lavoro uffi:( Cioè nn alle 8.30 ma di solito a quell’ora sono in metro,strauffa.

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