La France que j’aime

Pays Basques vineyards.jpg

Les Pays Basque

France is a big country, filled with wonders at any corners. My advice to everyone who wants to travel around France is to go off the beaten track and search for the real French experience.

What’s the Real French Experience?

It’s a life changing experience, full of wine, incredible food and fantastic people. Because French, believe it or not, are very nice and cool people (they are the rest you are thinking of too, but you can get over it, cammon!).

It’s something very simple to achieve.


St. Jean Pied de Port

You’ll need few things:

– a car

– a basic knowledge of French, the better you French is, the better your experience will be. And French is a very beautiful language

– an open mind

– a Michelin Atlas of France, 1:200.000 (not an electronic device, no, too simple and too boring! A real paper atlas!)

– the will to get lost

Le Guide des mellieurs vins à petits prix, latest edition

La Guide Rouge Michelin France, latest edition (not a must, but it can be very useful)

With this basic equipment, you can easily open up any page of the Atlas, visualize all the little yellow and white streets, and begin to wander. One of your motto will be: if it’s not a yellow or white street on the map, we won’t take it! 😉

Baring all this in mind we had breathtaking experiences, that will stay in our hearts for the rest of our lives…

And I will bring you in all these once a month, exploring all the regions we visited 🙂

Allez hop, on y va!

Aveyron, Chateau de Montegou



  1. This i probably the best blog I have read on the topic of traveling to France that i have ever seen! You might be the first person that i have seen that really has experienced France for France and not the tourist version. Yes there are many gorgeous tourist attractions that are worth seeing but the best things lie deep in the forests or tucked away in the alleyway of an alleyway.

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